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Chapter 21 Git Version Control | Bioconductor Packages: Development, MThe Bioconductor project is maintained in a Git source control system. Package maintainers update their packages by pushing changes to their git repositories. This chapter contains several...
Foxpass: Cloud Radius Server Cloud LDAP Server AuthenticationCloud RADIUS Cloud LDAP Authentication Servers. LDAP, RADIUS, and SSH Key Management: Simple yet advanced access control for your G Suite or O365.
GitHub - bastillion-io/Bastillion: Bastillion is a web-based SSH consoBastillion is a web-based SSH console that centrally manages administrative access to systems. Web-based administration is combined with management and distribution of user s public SSH keys. - bastillion-io/Bastillion
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Bastillion - Web-Based Bastion Host and SSH Key ManagementBastillion is an open-source web-based SSH console that centrally manages administrative access to systems. It acts as a bastion host for administrators with features that promote infrastructure security. Web-based admin
El Coderino - Web Development (mostly Laravel 4), Tips TechI m the Coder. So that s what you call me. That or, uh, His Coderness or El Coderino if you re not into the whole brevity thing.
Brandon Checketts - Web Programming, Linux System Administation, and EWeb Programming, Linux System Administation, and Entrepreneurship in Athens Georgia
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